E-ISSN 2695-1886
P-ISSN 2672-4979
VOL. 5 NO. 1 2019

Effect of Recapitalization on the Growth of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

Jurbe Yibis Gopar & Augustine Okpaje Eba


The study empirically examined effect of recapitalization on the growth of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The specific objectives were; to examine the impact of liquidity on the growth of deposit money banks in Nigeria, to examine the effect of total deposit on the growth of deposit money banks in Nigeria, to investigate the contributions of bank total asset on the growth of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Secondary sources of data was employed in this study, and ordinary/east square (OLS) of multiple regression statistical tool was adopted, to establish the effect of explanatory on dependent variable. Based on the analysis, the findings revealed thus; bank total asset had a significant impact on the growth of deposit money banks, total deposit had a positive money banks, and liquidity had a positive impact on the growth of deposit money banks. The study recommended that CBN must remain resolved and focused on the implementation of its statutory requirement so as to guide against distress in the banking sector.


Liquidity, Deposit money banks, Total deposits, Total assets, Recapitalization


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